Every morning when

Every morning when
Every morning when I open my eyes I pray to God that everyone should have a friend like u.Why should only I suffer!

Jan, 13 2012     115 chars (1 sms)     780 views       Friendship

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Haqiqat mohabat ki judai nahi hoti, kabhi kabhi pyar me bewfai hoti hai, hamari taraf hath badhakar to dekho DOSTIme kitni sachai hoti hai
A memory lasts forever, and never does it die. True friends stay together and never say good bye.
it takes HALF our LIVES toFIND trueFRD, and HALF of it KEEPING them. ive already SPENT half my LIFE FindinG you, I wish to SPEND other HALF KeepinG YOU
Sunshine of life!Sympothy of harmony!Source of love!Spark of care!Yes...It is U my friend! I am lucky to have U!
When the present be past, and ...... only memories last, dear be my friend, 'UNTIL END'.
U wil be a ROSE 4 all TREES U wil be a SMILE 4 all FACES U will be WATER FALLS 4 al HILLS & U wil be a BROHTER 4 al naughty&cute GIRLS
A frnd like U is a sweet gift, an emotional lift,a heart healer,a mood chiller,a gem so rare,an answered prayer,a happy mate..& offcourse for me a lucky fate..
must have been born under a lucky star , to find a friend as nice as you are. I will follow the rainbow to the end , if you promise to remain my friend !!!
FriEndSHiP Is A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn'T Be BoUgHt Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd Is FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd.
In school they taught me that; 1 hour = 60 min.1 min = 60 sec. but they never told me that; 1 sec. without U = 100 years
Rose needs water!A season needs change!A poet needs a pen!My phone needs ur sms&miscalls& I need ur lovely frndshp 4ever!
The thread asked the candle why u dissolve urself when i burn.candle said u r in my heart, if u suffer i am bound to shed tears 4 u.that's friendship.