Whenever I look

Whenever I look
Whenever I look at my palm, I wonder which of those tiny cute crisscross lines made me so lucky to have a sweet & nice friend like U.

Jan, 13 2012     133 chars (1 sms)     834 views       Friendship

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Frndshp is a soft feelngs of heart,Bt its very hard 2 feel & when it feels,its to hard 2 drop BECOZ TRUE frndshp HAPPENS ONCE in Life.
Friends is the heaviest coin in the international Bank of Relations & with your Friendship I"m the richest person on Earth. May this last forever.'.....
Two golden phrases of friendship "Dont believe the doubted one"&"Dont doubt the believed one"That retains friendship for a longer time.
Dil se liya 1st D Love se liya 2nd O Rose se liya 3rd S Geet se liya 4th T Sathi se liya 5th I To laisi lagi hamari DOSTI!!
1 day if u need friend and there are 100 steps between us. U take the first step to get near me, i will take all the 99 steps to be there for u.
Sweet fruits r easy to eat.Sweet words r easy to say.But sweet friends are hard to find… My Goodness….,Hw did u find me
Frindship opens many doors each with a different view but none could be more beautiful view than the door that leads to u
Aik Do Teen Char Aoo Mil Ke Baithain Yar Panch Chay Saat Suno Hamari Baat Aat Noo Das Baat Hamari Bus Uff ! Itnay Baray Ho Ke Bachoo Ki Poem Parh Rahay Ho
My Friendship means a little heart that never hates, a cute smile that never fades, a smooth touch that never shakes, and a strong relationship that never breaks...
Sweet heart is a special word for love love is a speacial word for care care is a speacial word for friend &friend is a speacial word for U
There's story behind every friendship. Each friend we make is start of each story, our story had a w@nderful begining.. Hope this story,never has an ending
Mohabbat wafa ke siwa kuch nahi,Duniya gum ke siwa kuch nahi,unke paas humare siwa sab kuch hai,par humare pass unke siwa kuch B nai..