One stone is

One stone is
One stone is enough 2 break a glass,1 sentence is enough 2 break a heart,1 second is enough 2 fall in love & one friend is enough to spend a life

Jan, 13 2012     145 chars (1 sms)     774 views       Friendship

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True friends see you true, believe in things u wanna do, feel glad when ur dreams come true, best of all they don't judge, they simply love u coz you r you.
jise dil ki KALAM or bharose ki INK kehte hai, jise lamho ki KITAB or yaado ka COVER kehte hai, yahi wo SUBJECT hai jise log FRIENDSHIP kehte hai.
Friends are like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold you up, sometimes you lean on them. But sometimes, it's enough to know they're just standing by.
MY FRIEND should be... My medicine when I'm in pain, MY letter when I'm Far, My smile when I'm sad, My handkerchief when i cry, My life when I die!
To Xpress ur love U need feelings To Xplain feelings U need heart To Xpose ur heart U need a friend To Xclaim as a friend. 'Iam there always.
Dosti- kaho to ek lafz, mano to bandagi, socho to gehra sagar, dubo to zindagi, karo to asan, nibhao to mushkil, bikhare to sara zamana, simte to sirf TUM !
1 day i'll die & go out of ur life 4ever,then plz buy some nice & beautiful flowers 4 my grave from the money which u r saving by not sending me msgs..
True Friendship isn't leaving behind old friends when u find some new ones.It's abt preserving dried rose betwen pages inspite of being gifted a rose daily!
FriendshipIs A Gift,That Is Fair In All Thingz.It Roots From One's Heart&Involves MemoriesThat Stay NotFor A WhileButFor A Lifetime.
Love & FriendShip r walking in a Village... Love Falls into a well, Y? BCoz Love is Blind... Friendship also Jumps inside,Y? Bcz it never lets any1 Alone
A friend is gift 4m God, when he’s new, it’s a miracle when it’s true n it’s a blessing when it’s u.
Little drops of water little grains of sand. Make the mighty ocean and the pleasent land. Little deeds of kindness little words of love can make everybody happy in this beautiful world.