What is Real but Invisible?-ur Carewhat is true but unfair?-ur AbsenceWhat is sweet but Naughty?-ur Smilewhat is Precious but Priceless?-Our Friendship
I dont regret the things I have done and the things I didnt do. For somewhere along the way I must have done something right coz I ended up with a friend like you.
Court order! U r accused of crawling into my heart n hijacking my smile with ur cute sms. How do u plead? Guilty! U’re sentenced to b my friend 4 life. Sorry no bail.
I saw something in a shops window - it was stunning hot, cute, simply adorable. I was supposed to buy it for u. But then I realised it was my reflection.
Sometimes in life v think we dnt need anyone,But sometimes we dnt hve anyone when we need someone,So, hold good people around n never let ur friends go...!!