DuRiNg OuR FrIeNdShIp, ThErE wIlL B TiMeS U wOn't SeE Me BeSiDe U, DuN ThInK I LeFt U BeHiNd, I JuSt ChOsE To WaLk BeHiNd U So I CaN CaTcH U WhEn U Fall...
It starts wid a hi/hello. It increases as 'wats up dese days'. It grows 2 'oye btana nae hota.' It tends 2 mould as 'stupid tu apna dimaag mat chala, jaisa i m saying waisa kar' And den it ends NEVER. Dats frendshp.
We bridge distance with text messages. Still we know it fails to fill the space but I hope ours isn't just an exchange of text messages. It's keeping friendship alive.
A moment of joy spent under a willow,.. the tear of eye that wets ur pillow,.. Sometimes pain n Sometimes pleasure, When given by Frenz, both r treasure!