MaY Not Be

MaY Not Be
MaY Not Be a cLocK ThaT maY TexT u 24hrs a DaY Bt My HeArt Will b LikE a CloCk ThAt ll nOt sToP CarIng & SayInG U r aLwaYs RemeMbEreD

Jan, 12 2012     133 chars (1 sms)     904 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

I am looking for a word. I am looking for a whole new word. I am looking for a word. I am looking for a word that nobody knows. I am looking for a word. I am looking for a word that says...that you are the best !!!
among ur frens i care 4 u da most, among ur frens i lov u da most, among ur frens u hurt me d most coz….i know dats all im 2 u… among ur frens
Friendship is responsibility not opportunity. It is cement that holds d world together friends r those who speak 2 u when others don't. friend is 1 who puts his finger on a fault without rubbing it in
A true frnd understand whn u say i forgot,waits 4 ever whn u say 1min,stays whn u say leave me alone,n open door even before u knock
I could 4get a face, 4get a home, 4get a place, 4get a name, 4get a game, I could even 4get myself but 4getting a friend like U, FORGET IT.
Wen u r counting all ur friends, d oldest, best n d new, i wud lik to stand beside u n say 2 little words..."Me too.."
Frndshp is a soft feelngs of heart,Bt its very hard 2 feel & when it feels,its to hard 2 drop BECOZ TRUE frndshp HAPPENS ONCE in Life.
The times we shared is like shooting star... the time is short but really beautiful moments.... Forever engraved in our hearts.... Friends forever~!!!
Remember to remember me, forget to forget me. Even if u try to remember to forget me I'll never forget to remember to remind u to remember me.
"Life without a friend is death without a witnes" Save a space for me in your heart, not in your mind. The mind forget easily....
On the shore of life, friends are like waves… They come and go but they touch in such a way that a feeling of closness always remains there…
Voda(F)one ai(R)tel virg(I)n id(E)a bs(N)l in(D)icomHey how crazy,Even networks cant stay without a FRIEND like us.