Can I stay here

Can I stay here
Can I stay here in ur inbox & wait till 5th Aug so I'll b d 1st person to wish HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY 2u my DEAR FRIEND.So pls don’t delete Me.

Jan, 20 2012     141 chars (1 sms)     790 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

To hear what is unspoken, to see what is unseen, to feel without even touching is the miracle called "FRIENDSHIP"…HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendship is wonderful relation which needs nothing in this world except 2 pure hearts to share,luv, play,enjoy,fight, support & to live..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Time wud make us 4get some friends,bt, there wud be some friends who wud make us 4get time.. They r our best of best, one such is u...Happy Friendship Day..
1 day my brain asked me " wy r u sending messages to that person who is not messaging u?" but my little heart said to brain " you need message i need friend"
Frendship is like a glass A scratch on any side will reflect on other side too So always handle feelings carefully Bcoz the scratches can't be repaired.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Once I happened 2 walk on a very high bridge,I got scared.i saw my frnd on d other side & called him 4 help but there was no reply.i somehow managed & crossed d bridge.then I was shocked 2 see my frnd holdin d end of d broken bridge.just trust ur frnds in all situations,cos tey r ur frnds..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
A Special Smile,A Special face,A SPl Sm 1 I Cnt replace.. A Special thanks from me to u,for d Special FrndShP I found in YOU Happy Frndship day
Haqiqat samjho ya afsana Begana kaho ya deewana Suno is dil ka fasana Teri dosti hai mere jeene ka bahana hApPy fRiEnDsHiPs dAy
Sath agar doge to muskurayenge zarur Dosti agar dil se karoge to nibhayenge zarur Kitne b KATE kyo na ho raah me Awaz agar doge to ayenge zarur. H'py F'shipDay
A friend is like gas blown from the ass, which creates noise n nuisance to others but gives me a great comfort. Thanks for being gas of my ass. Happy Fship day
I'm not Beauty as a Rose. But,My Heart is More Beauty than Rose.B'coz My Heart is full of you and Ur 'Friendship'..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Stars are unapproachable…Sun is very hot… Moon is 2 far…So God gave me a friend like u so that I can say 'I've my own little Universe!.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY