Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day
Happy Valentines Day 2 u Hun. Loving u alwayz iz a treasure to me. Hope you be always at my side even at the time of hindrances. I love you.

Jan, 19 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     752 views       Occassions > Valentine Day

more Valentine Day SMS Messages

Thank you for the memories of yesterday, for the happiness today, and the promise of all tomorrows! I love you Honey!! Happy Valentine's Day!
Some times….When I’m all alone. I close my eyes and think of you… and the thought of your love worms me inside and make me smile.HAPPY VALENTINE DAY
Luv is like a cloud.luv is like a dreamluv is1wrd nd evrytng in betwnluv is a fairytale come true. Coz I found luv when I found U.HAPPY V DAY
With winters gone and sunshine on i wish you happy valtentine all the year long..!!
For ur valentine:When god asked me what I loved most about life,I smiled and said ur name.U taught me how to love,but not how to stop.
No poems no fancy words I just want the world to know that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day
Once snow girl asked snow boy, what is 'true love'?He gave her a warm hug and they both melted in each others arms.Thats true love..!HAPPY VALENTINE DAY
A word to say, a word to hear Even in ur absence i feel u near R relation is strong..hope it goes long v wil remain d same til d life goes on!
A sweet quotation:"Love is a gift"If u receive it,open & appreciate it..If not, don't worry..Sumone sumwhere is still wrapping it for U..!Happy V'day.
Sweet n short msg by a true lover:"I am Mad forher butwhy I am notMADE for Her!!!"-HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY
U r My Luv & u r My Vallentine. I Luv U n itz true,I Nevr knew My Lyf widout u, I wana Live OnLy wid u,Pls b My Vallentine,I'll hold u 4evr.
7-rose day, 8-propose day, 9-choclate day, 10-teddy bear day, 11-promis day, 12-kiss day, 13-hug day, 14-valentine day so i wish u A HAPPY VALENTINE WEEK.