7-rose day, 8-propose day, 9-choclate day, 10-teddy bear day, 11-promis day, 12-kiss day, 13-hug day, 14-valentine day so i wish u A HAPPY VALENTINE WEEK.
Here is my heart, it is yours so take it, treat it gently, please do not break it. its full of love thats good and true, so please keep it always close to u. happy valetine day
When situation gets you down,remember theres Someone in Heaven who loves u & watches over u & theres someone on Earth who cares...I do.HAPPY VALENTINE DAY
Love need not promise forever. It's better to love one day at a time and string those days together. Love is not wondering how long it will last but how beautiful it grows. Happy Valentines day to all of you
Whenevr u c LOVE coming,WELCOME it,open ur Arms,Embrace it & let it ENTER into U!People will ask UR U in LOVE?jst say-no,LOVE is in me!Happy valentines day
A kiss is jst a kiss til u find d 1 u luv. A hug is jst a hug til u find d 1 u're always thinkin of. A dream is jst a dream til it cums true. Luv was jst a word til I heard it frm u.HAPPY VAL DAY
10000 words 1 cud say.10000 wishes 1 cud pray.10000 miles legs cud walk.10000 sounds a mouth cud talk.10000 times ill b true.10000 ways 2 say i luv u!HAPPY VALENTINE DAY