With every breath I take, with every song I sing. I think about you, about the love and care. With which you touch my life. Sweetheart... I am missing you a lot! Happy Valentines day!!!
Sweeter than the candies, lovellier than the red roses, more huggable than soft toys, that’s what you’re, here’s wishing you a valentines day, that is as special as you are.
Love cannot be bounded in any boundries of a particular day......Its the only requirement of a person from birth to death......Still to feel its presence..and for our expressions, we celebrate valentines day..... Happy valentines day to all my friends..
In life luv is neither planned nor does it happen 4 a reason but when d luv is real it becums ur plan 4 life n reason 4 living..! Happy Valentine's Day!
If you were my valentine I’d search the endless skies to find the perfect starlight that would compliment your eyes and keep it in a wishing well created just for you and filled with my desires to make all your dreams come true.
Life counts all d roads v travel.sum r smooth,sum r ruf.sum i wud rather 4get.but theres 1 road i wont regret-d road whr v met n bcame frnds.Happy Valentine Day