Do u know, what

Do u know, what
Do u know, what i say, what i think, what i feel, what i think, what i wish, U want to know? I MISS U SO MUCH.

Jan, 19 2012     110 chars (1 sms)     1115 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

Sometimes, missing is more precious than being togetherBecause we miss only those people who we never want to MISS...!!
There are 6 Billlion peoples in the world but...I don know why i keep on missing *U*...may be becoz 5,999999999 Cant Replace a Single *U*.
miss u when something really gud happens, coz u’re the one I want to share it with. I miss u when something is troubling me, coz u’re the only one who understands me. I miss u when I laugh and cry, coz I know that u’re the one who makes my laughter grow & my tears dissapear.
Good Time,Bad Time,Day Time,Night Time,Work Time,Off Time,Happy Time,Sad Time,Sleep Time,In the Mean Time...I MISS YOU all the Time
Distance and missing make us to realise how much we love a person... what they mean to our life... So try to love everyone b4 we miss them..
i miss u in every beats of my heart,in every blink of my eyes,in every second of time and .... in every movements of day,I MISS UUUUUU...
Sometime i dont say hi, sometime i dont reply, sometime i dont msg u, but it doesn't mean i 4get u, it means im givin u time 2 miss me n 2 miss u.
Ever since you ve left i ve realised that a part of one`s Life is made of someone else`s life , I MISS THAT PART . I MISS YOU.
There are 24hr in a DayNight10hr 4 work8hr 4 sleeping3hr 4 eating1hr 4 other activitiesBut all the 24hr i do"MISS YOU"badly.
Someone misses you so much, its not your family nor your relatives. Its not even your bestfriend nor your closests pal. Its just the simple ordinary me, who misses the extraordinary.
IF a butterfly come close to u'' If a perfumed rose touches ur face'' If ur mobile dance on a nice tune'' Remember its me trying to say u " I MISS UUUUUU "
LIFE is a LIE when F is missing. 'F' is nothing but your friendship. Hope I will never miss this 'F' ever in my LIFE…