If U Want

If U Want
If U Want To "Miss Me"If U Want To "Feel Me"So..Close Ur Eyes,& Keep Ur Hand On Ur Heart,AndThn Listen..DhakDhakDhak...Yes!Its Me!!

Jan, 19 2012     131 chars (1 sms)     863 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

Sometime i dont say hi, sometime i dont reply, sometime i dont msg u, but it doesn't mean i 4get u, it means im givin u time 2 miss me n 2 miss u.
I must be a bad shooter because i keep missing you
Tumne Suna nahi?Wakei nahi suna?CNN pe?BBC pe?PTV pe?GEO pe?FM-101,103,89, pe b nahi?to mujsey sun lo phir "I MISS U SO MUCH" Really, I miss u 2
As the days continue to pass The feeling of missing you only gets stronger. The tears only fall harder And the pain continues to linger
Someone misses you so much, its not your family nor your relatives. Its not even your bestfriend nor your closests pal. Its just the simple ordinary me, who misses the extraordinary.
Life is 4 living,I Live 4 U. Songs r 4 singing,I Sing 4 U. Love is 4 caring, I Care 4 U. Angels r 4 keeping,Can I keep U.MISS YOU
U nvr turned bak.. The day u moved out of my life.. Beatzz seemzz to b heartless.. Ur absence ceases mine EXISTENCE.. Missing U . .
You are so away, yet so close, Our hearts are apart, yet they are one.Our memories are whole, they keep us together, our love is strong, it gives us strength. Imiss you and i love you with all my heart.
Distance and missing make us to realise how much we love a person... what they mean to our life... So try to love everyone b4 we miss them..
The Word ‘Hello’ means H=How R U? E=Everything all right? L=Like 2 hear 4rm U. L=Love 2 C U soon. O=Obviously, I miss you!
When it rains, you dont see the sun, but its there. Hope we can be like that. We dont always see each other, but we will always be there for one another.
Th0se FRieNDS v ReALLY lUv nEvEr g0 aWAY,THEy walk beSIDE us everyDAY unSEEN & unHEARD.StiLL nEAr.StiLL luVed.StiLL miSSed."SURELY U R THE ONE"