Life is 4 living

Life is 4 living
Life is 4 living,I Live 4 U. Songs r 4 singing,I Sing 4 U. Love is 4 caring, I Care 4 U. Angels r 4 keeping,Can I keep U.MISS YOU

Jan, 19 2012     129 chars (1 sms)     927 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

when i’m not messaging or calling u,u don’t think i am not Missing “u”.But i am giving u time to miss “Me”.
Someone misses you so much, its not your family nor your relatives. Its not even your bestfriend nor your closests pal. Its just the simple ordinary me, who misses the extraordinary.
I m going to write on all the bricks I MISS U and i wish that one falls on ur head,so that u knows how it hurts when u miss someone special like u.
If u wanna knw hw mch i miss u,try to catch rain drops.The ones u catch is how mch u miss me & the others u miss is hw mch i miss u.
Th0se FRieNDS v ReALLY lUv nEvEr g0 aWAY,THEy walk beSIDE us everyDAY unSEEN & unHEARD.StiLL nEAr.StiLL luVed.StiLL miSSed."SURELY U R THE ONE"
Weakly 1 day holiday,Monthly 1 day salary day,Yearly 1 day birthday,Lifely 1 day death day,But sharing ur frndship & missing u is every day.
Every message is a smile ... every word is like a kiss but when you touch me ...remember this ... my life is full with happiness.i miss you
As the days continue to pass The feeling of missing you only gets stronger. The tears only fall harder And the pain continues to linger
What is love without two people in it? What is a world with out people? What am I without you? I love and miss you.
add your warm sunshine to my life by,your charming presence once again come back soon for ,i am missing you
If U Want To "Miss Me"If U Want To "Feel Me"So..Close Ur Eyes,& Keep Ur Hand On Ur Heart,AndThn Listen..DhakDhakDhak...Yes!Its Me!!
"Tear is the silent language of pure heart"when the tears come with reason-you got some problem.But when tears come without any mis SOMEONE…