If I would get

If I would get
If I would get a rose for every time I think of you, I would spend every day in a rose garden, ... thinking of you,I miss you

Jan, 19 2012     125 chars (1 sms)     883 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

I thought I'd handle it just fine... and that I'd be happy just to keep you on my mind. But it isn't always that easy... Sometimes the one thing that would please me the most... is simply seeing you. I knew that I'd miss you. I just didn't know I'd miss you as much as I do.
If only U cud spend an hour in my mind...a minute in my heart...and a 2nd in my soul...Then u wud know how it feels...2 miss sum 1 like U…
Wenever I miss U, I wont luk 4u in my dreams or try 2 hear ur voice in ur msgs. I'll jus put my right hand across mychest n feel U!
When it rains, you dont see the sun, but its there. Hope we can be like that. We dont always see each other, but we will always be there for one another.
Remember the good times we had spent together, and the beautiful future we had dreamy of…Darling I never wanted to create a distance between us… Please let us bridge the gaps…I miss you
I will take bricks and write on that how much I miss you and...I will break it on your head to show how much it pains when I MISS U...
Sun can't come 2 earth but send love as rays.Cloud can't come 2 river but send love as rain.I can't come 2 u but can send my care as SMS to U.Miss you too
Sometimes, missing is more precious than being togetherBecause we miss only those people who we never want to MISS...!!
Lying awake alone in bed i think of u and hug my pillow instead. I miss u wid all my heart and soul 4ever.
I see u aakhon sei feel U sason sei meet U chaht sei belive U jaan sei pray 4u dil se & I MISS YOU
rise up ur hand n say i declear at we will b apart only after death, n i swear we will b 2gether 4ever, n i state under oath dat i will miss u 4ever
Scratch & win H____ HE___ HEA__ HEAR_ HEART. Congratulations U have won My Heart . Miss U