Now this year, we have never been this close before.The time we shared these past few weeks has been the best time of my life.We shared some laughs we shared some tears, these joys we shared, will last throughout our years.I Miss you so much
U mUz bE tiReD cOz u haF bEEn runNinG thrU mY miNd, u gOttA bE a thiEf coZ u haF stOleN My hEaRt n i muZ haF BeEn a bAd shOotEr CoZ i kEep miSSing u...
Whnever i miss u.. I wont luk 4 u in my dreams.. or try to hear ur voice in ur msgs.. I jst put my right hand across my chest and ill feel u..........MISS U
Remember the good times we had spent together, and the beautiful future we had dreamy of…Darling I never wanted to create a distance between us… Please let us bridge the gaps…I miss you