Care is the main ingredient that keeps true friendships alive despite separation, distance and time. Care sustains love. Since I can't see you, let my care be with you, friend!
Sum1 sum where dreamz of ur smiles & whilst thinking of u says life is wen ur lonely remember its true.that sum1 sum where is thinking of u.
Not every bird can dance, but peacock did that. Not every flower can represent LUV, but Rose did that. Not every Friend can reach up to HEART, but u did.
Wish u a Happy World Bestfriends Day. Send it to all ur Good Frnds, even me, hoping I'm 1 of them. C how many u get back. U r lovable if u get 6.. Trust me.
A friend is like a book that has to be read to appreciate its beauty. As such, you’re one of the finest books ever written. How I wish you could be reprinted
Love & FriendShip r walking in a Village... Love Falls into a well, Y? BCoz Love is Blind... Friendship also Jumps inside,Y? Bcz it never lets any1 Alone
I thank God I'm rich not with money but with people like you. I may not have the most expensive things but I've got a most precious gem… a friend like you.