1 injection of trust, 1 tablet of care, 1 syrup of attention, 1 drip of understanding, take 3 times a day! its all necessary 4 the health of our frndship
When emotions play their role the heart cries.When heart cries it does not make any sound & the person who listens to that unmade soundis called a Friend.
read life as the sea, heart as the seashore & friends like the waves. It never matters how many waves r there? What matters is which one touches the seashore.
Ur voice is MELODY,ur nature is KISMIBAR,Ur behaviour is COFFEEBITE,Ur Feeling is KITKAT,Ur mind is MUNCH,Ur heart is ECLAIRS,U r totally 5 STAR....!!!
Eveything in this world is so fine, but everything in this world is not mine, but there is one thing that is pure & divine… ur friendship & lucky to be mine