A special friend

A special friend
A special friend is just like a rare flower,it doesn't bloom everywhere,but wherever it does, it brings a smile... everytime .

Jan, 12 2012     126 chars (1 sms)     773 views       Friendship

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A ring is round and has no end.... and that's how long I'll be your friend.
Friend means no asking Friend means no reasoning Friend means just believing & Friend is tat who never believes in last 3 alphabets of FRIEND.
My Friendship is like an onion, Which has many layers in it, it will add taste to your life, but if you try to cut it, you will have tears in your eyes
Forever in my heart, u wood be cherished & in my mind ur always thought of, we may be far away but in my heart u remain 1 of the special person I gained in life. I'm blessed to hv a Friend Like u.
I cant find a reason,why God introduced u to me?But thats not the Que to be asked,the Que is how did God know that I nided a frd like U.!
Wen u r counting all ur friends, d oldest, best n d new, i wud lik to stand beside u n say 2 little words..."Me too.."
Some wher We were born,Some wher We lived,Wit times We joined,We Live Never Knowing When we'll Die,Till then..We'll b"FRNDS FOREVER"
LIFE Means L: Love I: Incidents F: Friends E: Emotions If 'F' miss in life Then LIFE Becomes "LIE" So Don't 4get "Friends"
Two golden phrases of friendship "Dont believe the doubted one"&"Dont doubt the believed one"That retains friendship for a longer time.
Sweet in my memories, Dear is ur name, Deep in my heart, you will always remain.
When i was walking alone, I wished that i can reach da end of da road.. But when u r walking with me, I wish the road never ends.. Friend's forever..
A coin is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. The coin depreciates but a friend appreciates. I lost a coin when I texted you, but it's okay because I got you.