If u drop me i ill break if u hold me i ill shake if u need me i ill hurry if u don't call me i ill worry if u hurt me i ill cry but if u leave me i ill die.
Count d fish in d ocean, those r d days`ill care 4 u.`Count the stars`n d sky,`thats how often`ill think of u.`Count on forever,`that's d time ill b there 4 ü
its always better 2 have found d courage 2 love even if u lose it in the end rather than never finding love because you were too afraid to face its challenge
i dont want 2 live anoder day if u're no longer der, 4 in dis lyf only u can inspyr me 2 c d nxt sunrys, only u can motiv8 me 2 apprec8 d colors of lyf dat no one else can.
If I were to be anything in this world…. I’d be ur tears!!!… So, I can be conceived in ur heart, born in ur eyes, live on ur cheeks & die on ur lips!!!!!
Luv meanz to see someone with closed eyez, to miss some1 in crowd, 2 find some1 in every thought, to live 4 some1, luv some1, but sure tht sum1 is ONLY one!
I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!.…