The one thing

The one thing
The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love.

Jan, 18 2012     97 chars (1 sms)     759 views       Love

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All love is sweet. Given or returned. Common as light is love, and its familiar voice wearies not ever....they who inspire it are most fortunate, as I am now, but those who feel it most are happier still.
In words, love can be read..In actions, love can be measured..but others don't know that even in silence love can be heard!Love U!
Feels good when some 1"MISSES U"... Feels better when some 1"LOVES U",but Feels best when some 1 never"FORGET U"so now u can feel the best
is for red. RED: is for blood BLOOD: is for heart HEART: is for love is for you YOU: is for me ME: is for you. (((I MISS YOU)))
Difficult 2tel wat luving is like..its impossible 2tel wat missing is like..may u never mis whom u luv. but those who love u miss u always..
Your love is the song in my heart. The sunshine in my sky. The promise of my world. The centre of my universe
Love is the best and most beautiful thing in the world, cannot be seen or even touched..they must be felt with the Heart…
wn i tel u here i am, wn i tel u i cre, i do..wn i teL u iL nver Leave u, i wont. iL b here. i wont Leave u, & iL nver get tired of bein here 4u
They say it's painful to wait 4 some1.They say it's painful 2 4get some1.But d worst pain comes wen u dont knw whether 2 wait or 4get!
"When we see our beloved 1 after a long gap, v want 2 share many thing's but smile & silents r d first 1 we share. That's real affection…
Love can make you happy`but oftentimes it hurts;`but love is only special`when you give it to whom it's worth.
Diff between LOVE n FRENSHIP:u give ur whole heart to ur love n they BREAK IT but u give ur broken heart to a frend n they MAKE IT....