Anybody can luv

Anybody can luv
Anybody can luv a rose but no1 luvs a leaf tat is near 2 rose! Dont luv some1 who is beautiful, bt luv d1 who can mak ur life beautiful

Jan, 18 2012     135 chars (1 sms)     801 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

I have liked many but loved very few. yet no-one has been as sweet as u. I'd stand and wait in the worlds longest queue. just for the pleasure of a moment with u.
No one escapes from love, No one escapes from love, Neither the rich nor poor, Because it takes to satisfy a heart, We feel we’ll never be apart.
Love Is The Happiness Of Today, And Promise Of Tomorrow, So This Warm Note Comes To You, To Say That Live Life With A Heart Full Of Love
I have a heart and that is true, but now it has gone from me to you, so care for it just like i do, cause i have no heart and you have two...
Feeling Bored? THINK OF ME Feeling Sad? CALL ME Feeling Lonely? SEE ME Feeling Sleepy? DREAM OF ME
Cloz Ur eYes & Imagine My Smiley face My Lovely eYes My Pink_Lips My Brown_Hair Done!Ok Mubbarak Ho Aapne EID Ka Chand Dekh Liya
look...the moon is calling u ...see the stars r shining for u..hear my heart says: may god build for u a castle in heaven and made u eat from its fruits !!!!
I sought for love, but love ran away from me, I sought my soul, but my soul I couldn't see, Then I sought for you, and I found all three.
love is eternal,love is ultimate reality n truth,love is above race,colour n creed,love extends beyond time n space,love promotes mutual understanding n destroys hatered,love is not offence,love is a GOD given basic human istinct
Love doesn't require any thing of the other person..Love gives wthout asking anything in return.
B4 i go to sleep, u knw wht i do? i think of u & whn its my lucky nyt, i dream of u. i dnt wana wake up bcoz whn i do, u know what? i just start missing you
Luv is magical. It's a language that deaf can hear a song, the crippled can dance & the blind can see a sunset. Wishing u a life full of LOVE.