Feel my love

Feel my love
Feel my love for u, whispering in d wind, pouring down like d rain, rising up like the sun & then calming under ur embrace again.

Jan, 18 2012     129 chars (1 sms)     1405 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

People continue to love`in spite of the pain, tears and heartbreak.`Maybe because PaiN made them stronger,`TeaRS made them braver`& HeaRTBReaK made them wiser.
Every sms u send I keep inside my heart, every word u say touches upon my soul… we may not see each other but u will always be someone special to me…
A beautiful msg::I'm dead but my soul is in u,My eyes r open but I dream of u,I'm d best but nothing without u,Take care of my heart.it beats in u.
Our heart feels much pain, when our beloved one moves so close to others than us! It's very painful! Dont Give That.
Real tears of love are not those that fall from the eyes and cover the face..But those that fall from the Heart and cover the soul..
I want my eyes to be your eyes so you could see how wonderful you are, I want my heart to be your heart so you could feel how much you mean to me, and I want my ear to be your ear so you could hear me whisper "I love you."
I LOVE three things,the SUN,the MOON,and YOU.The SUN for the DAY,the MOON for the NIGHT and YOU FOREVER !!
Hansi bhi mili aur khushi bhi mili, Socha bahut khusnaseeb hai hum. Magar jab apne pyare dost ko 1 muskurahat nahi de sake tab pata chala kitne GARIB hai hum...
I miss you so, here around me, so many people, but yet so alone. I miss your lips, your lovely smile, I miss you each day more and more!
a hug can say il mis u.`it can say ur special,`or bst of all,`i luv u.`it can soothe a hurt,`or calm a fear,`or cheer us`wen were blue.`So heres a hug for u.
D most butifl thing is 2c a perosn smilingevn mor butifl is knowing dat u r d reasn bhind it.B a reasn 4othrs smile
2 realise the value of,1 week-Ask one who stayd in relativ's home.1 day-Ask one who is in fastng.1 hour-Ask one who s waitng 4 his luvr.