If I could die

If I could die
If I could die early I would ask God if I could be your guardian angel, so I could wrap my wings around you and embrace you whenever you feel alone.

Jan, 18 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     899 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

There is somebody in the world.Different from the rest. The sweetest person I knw.That's why I love u so much
We always worry about our looks… but the truth is that they neither matter to those who love us nor to those who don’t love us
:I guess science doesn't work everywhere coz the time taken 2 luv someone is never equal 2 the time taken 2 forget them.
Wantin u is easy missin u is hard.Wishin u was wiv me wrapped up in my arms.Constantly think of u wen we r apart.Ive got the padlock u hav the key to my heart
Just a line…2 keep in touch…coz u r on my mind so very much…& even though, I’ve nothing 2 say…U’ll know…I thought of u 2day
Love begins with a smile... Endures with happiness... And dies with a tear
Dont love a friend like flower bcos flower dies in season,love them like river bcos river flow for ever
Shortest word is I. Sweetest word is LOVE. Cutest person is U.
Can i say i love you today? if not, can i ask u again tomorrow? and the day after that? Because i'll be loving u every single day of my life
People continue to love`in spite of the pain, tears and heartbreak.`Maybe because PaiN made them stronger,`TeaRS made them braver`& HeaRTBReaK made them wiser.
L is for lust O is for over v is for very loveable e is for ever the 4 signs of love
Am simple BYE make us cry, A simple JOKE make us laugh, simple CARE make us fall in love. I hope my simple SMS make you think of me. I miss you.