Ull always be

Ull always be
Ull always be mine 4 now & 4ever.Ull always be mine 4 u r my treasure.Ull always be mine please tell me its true.Please be mine 4ever ill always luv u

Jan, 18 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     783 views       Love

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Realize Things b4 its 2 late.Accept Things Rather Than Deny Them.Love People before u Loose Them..Life comes just once..THINK.
Sumtimes its harder 2 say no wen u really mean yes.Its hard 2 close ur eyes wen u really want 2 see.But the hardest thing 2 do is to let go wen u want to stay
whnever d pages of my life end, u will b d mst memorabl chaptr of it n if i ever gt a chance 2 read it again i will open it frm d page wn u frst met me.
“I TRUST U” is a better compliment than “I LOVE U” because you may not always trust the person you love but u can always love the person you trust.
For You SEE, Each Day I love You More Today More than Yesterday And Less Than Tomorrow
smday`iL b`sitn dwn in`a rokin cher`rmnscn`d pst`wen we`wer stl yong..``&wen`my grnchldrn`cum&ask`4a s2ry``iL`start`w/`1s upon a tym,````der was`U in my Lyf.
They say 'Never expect anything in return from any1'.But d truth is yen we really love sum1, we naturally expect a little care from them
Like and love are two different things. Like is when you know the best side of someone and like them. Love is when you know the worst side that someone could ever have, and you still love that person with everything you have in your heart.
If I die, plz take out my heart b4 burning my body & keep it safe bcoz I dont care 4 d heart but I care 4 those feelings for u inside my deep heart.
I would give up happines to never see you sad, I would give up eternity to be with you always, I would give up my life so that yours would be new... I'd give up everything... except you...
Someone Remembers, Somebody Cares, YOUR Name Is Whispered In Somebody"s Prayers, Keep The Bright Hope Of Sunshine In View.., Someone Is Warmly Thinking Of You
I'v got your back and you've got mine, ill help you out anytime, to see you hurt to see you cry, makes me weep n wonna die, ill be right here till the end cuz ur my love n my bestfriend.