Dear O Dear,

Dear O Dear,
Dear O Dear,You are not Near,But I can Hear,Dont Get Fear,Your memories Here,Live with Cheer,No more Tear

Jan, 18 2012     105 chars (1 sms)     817 views       Love

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I have no regrets.I will nevr regret loving someone becoz the feeling of love for five minutes is greatr than an eternity of hurt...
Watz A Flower Widout Sun?Watz D Earth Widout Sky?Wat Am I Widout U?Dats Y I Tell U...!ILoveYou..!
if i was one thing, i would be a candle, lightening ur way while u handle, i may Burn, I may Die, but still showing u the world thru my Eye
U say u luv me & want 2 hold me tight.those words run thru my head day & nite.i dreamt u held me & made me see dat 4ever 2gether we wood be!
"If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were."
Kab kon kisi ka hota hai sab jhooty rishty naty hain.. Sab Dil rakhny ki batain hain.. Sab asli ruop Chupaty hain.. Ik bar nigahoon main aa kr Phir sari zandagi rulaty hain......
Curved high on a mountain covered in dew... I saw these 3 words... I LOVE YOU!
Love is not winning sme1,but loosing urself to sme1..wen u r loved by sme1,it's not due to ur excellence of mind,but due 2 purity of ur heart.
2 things nvr defined in whole life. 1 is love,coz U never knw who loves U&hw much deeply. 2nd frnd,coz u nvr knw hw deeply dey care abt U.
Before meeting you I was nothing.. You taught me everything.. Now I have become something.. But I need you and your love in each and in every moment of my life.. !
To Luv some1 is madness, 2b loved by some1 is a Gift, Loving some1 who loves u is a duty, but being loved by some1 whom u luv is LIFE.
Sum can mak u cry & give u tears.Many can mak u laugh & give u smiles. Bt, only very few can give u'laughing tears' &'crying smiles'Dont miss such people.