i was walkin alone

i was walkin alone
i was walkin alone wishin dat i cud reach`d end of d road`bt when you`walkd with me`i wishd d road`wud nvr end`coz id rather b lost w/ u`than reach d end w/o u

Jan, 18 2012     159 chars (1 sms)     851 views       Love

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ThousandRaindropsFallsIntoSeaWaterBut SomeDropsOnlyGoesToPEARL...ThatWayIHaveSoManyFriendsInMyLifeButURSpecialOne... .
If every 1 forgets u, I'm with u, if every 1 lets u down I'm with u, if every 1 betrays u I'm still with u, But if every 1 likes u sorry I'm with them.....
I'v got your back and you've got mine, ill help you out anytime, to see you hurt to see you cry, makes me weep n wonna die, ill be right here till the end cuz ur my love n my bestfriend.
There are thousands of roses on this world, even if I gave you every rose to you, that would not be enough to tell you how much I love you!
If i Give u Dozen Roses n u Ask y ther r no thorns?I wud just smile & show my bleeding hAnds & sAy i took them Away so thAt u Won't Get hurt.
Never ask 4 a smile just give them Never expect love from others just love them Never say i cant live without ujust say i live for u
if u luv sum1wid all ur heart &u cannot bear 2b apart tell thm nw b4 its 2 late coz not evry1has the patience 2waitI LUV U, DO U LUV ME?
Uve won my luv now I luv u. This heart of mine I give 2 u.So keep it safe as i have done.For u have 2 and i have none!
Something in ur smile which speaks to me,Something in ur voice which sings to me,Something in ur eyes which says to me,That u are the dearest to me....
Love is God's own gift to us, A present from above He gives us peace, He gives us joy, But first he gives us love.
Go out on a rainy day and count how many rain drops fall and i'll tell u thats how much i miss u and care for u
Nvr waste an opportunity to say i Luv u to sum1 u really Luv. Bcoz its not everyday u meet a person who has the magic to make u fall in Luv..