Even GrAve yArd

Even GrAve yArd
Even GrAve yArd Look beAutiful Wen Pure Love Sleeps inside it..If u dnt think so den tAke a Look At the TAJ MAHAL

Jan, 18 2012     113 chars (1 sms)     1141 views       Love

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Beautiful quote about "No one in this world is without love; Only there can be people without proposing that love.."
My love is like a rose divided into two, the leaves i give 2 others, but the rose i give 2 u.
Misers Love Money...Flowers Love Dew...Bees Love Honey.. As I love You.. !
Tym can heal all wounds. Tym can give u another chance, tym can help u forget, time can let u move on but tym can never giv back wat has already ended
The person whom u love the most breaks ur heart and leavesEven after years wen u see that person,ur heart misses a beat..Hard but TRUE..
LovE is Not HoW LonG U've BeeN 2gEthEr; nOt HoW MucH U've GIvEn oR RecEivE; Not hOw MaNy TimEs U've HeLpEd EaCh OthEr --- Its HoW U VALUE EaCh OtHEr...
If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough
you never truly love a person unless the mere thought of you hurting your loved one is enough to break your own heart
Mistakes there have been many, i must admit ive made a few but one mistake i dont regret is falling in love with you
Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.
when all the season will be dry, when all the bird leave the sky, when all friends say u good bye, U will found me there to say hi…
There are so many people in the world but in my world there’s only one and that’s you!!!