Difference between boys

Difference between boys
Difference between boys & girls:Boys always misunderstand friendship as love..But girls always misunderstand love as frndship..

Jan, 18 2012     127 chars (1 sms)     904 views       Love

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if we lose love`we lose it`4 a rison.`dat reason`may b hard`2 undrstnd`bt watevr`it is`we jz`hav 2 blieve`dat God takes away`whn He has`somethin beter`to giv
I feel something in my heart, it’s like a little flame, every time i see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because i love you!
2 things nvr defined in whole life. 1 is love,coz U never knw who loves U&hw much deeply. 2nd frnd,coz u nvr knw hw deeply dey care abt U.
Nasha hum karte hai ilzam sharab ko diya jata hai per isme kusoor sharab ka nahi unka hai jinka chehra hamein har jaam mein nazar aata hai..
Luv HURTS when u Breakup with sum1.Hurts more when Sum1 Breaks up with u.BUT Hurts the most when the Person u luv doesn't CARE of being Loved by U.
sum ppl luv w/o rly wshn 2b 2gdr.`sum ppl leav nt rly wilng 2 let go.`i luv nt 2b luvd bak.`i leav nt coz il b folowd.`i luv cz i luv,`i leav cz i hv 2 let go.
Anybody can luv a rose but no1 luvs a leaf tat is near 2 rose! Dont luv some1 who is beautiful, bt luv d1 who can mak ur life beautiful
Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. - Shakespeare
Luv is a promise, luv is a souvenir, once given, nvr forgoten, nvr let it disappear
U care 4 me, I care 4 u, U miss me, I miss u, U like me, I like u, U msg me, I msg u, U forget me, I am sorry This is where I don’t match u.
I have a heart n that is true, But now it has gone from me to you, So care for it just like I do, Because I have no heart n U have two.
one should not love just to fill in an empty space but to have someone to stay by his side to complete the missing piece in his life