Just when I

Just when I
Just when I thought it couldn"t get better, you prove me wrong! I love you"

Jan, 18 2012     75 chars (1 sms)     772 views       Love

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The smallest word is I, The sweetest word is LOVE And the dearest person in the world is U. Thats why I Love You.
If i reach 4 ur hand Wil u hold it? If i hold out my arms Wil u hug me? If i go 4 ur lips Wil u kiss me? If i capture ur heart Wil u Luv me?
I believe that God above created you for me to love. He picked you out from all the rest cause He knew Id love you the best!
Love isn’t a decision, it’s a feeling. If we could decide who to love, then, life would be much simpler, but then less magical.
ret hote hai Registaan k liye... Taare Hote hai Aasmaan k liye...hume tum bhulan nahi...kyunki pyaar ki jarurat hoti hai Her Insaan k liye...
Life gave me`a lot of thngs 2 learn,`thiNgs i sHud kp`& Let go.`thNgs 2 4gt`& smtyMs rgrt,`i got hurt & cryd`bt y sHd i cry?`wn u r stL hr`2 rmNd me 2``sMyL!
Do u knw d relation b/w2 eyes? Dey blink 2gthr,dey move 2gthr, dey cry 2gthr, dey c things 2gthr n dey sleep 2gthr. BT STIL dEY NVR c EACH OTHER dats True Love
I MAY B GONE.. 4 a min 4 an hr 4 a day 4 a mnth bt i'll always b here 4 u i may nt b able 2 alwys say gd mornin gd evnin gd nyt bt i''l nvr say GUDBYE..2 U..
My love is like a rose divided into two, the leaves i give 2 others, but the rose i give 2 u.
When i say i love you, i mean i love you as you are i have no expectations, no selfish motives, no other desires than to let you know i really love you.
LovE is Not HoW LonG U've BeeN 2gEthEr; nOt HoW MucH U've GIvEn oR RecEivE; Not hOw MaNy TimEs U've HeLpEd EaCh OthEr --- Its HoW U VALUE EaCh OtHEr...
Love is a medicine for any kind of wound, but there is no medicine found in the world for a wound given by love.