Sometimes we built

Sometimes we built
Sometimes we built walls around our heart, Not just 2 b safe from getting hurt, But 2 find OUT who cares enough 2 BREAK them down n enter IN...U r IN..

Jan, 13 2012     151 chars (1 sms)     762 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Dosti- kaho to ek lafz, mano to bandagi, socho to gehra sagar, dubo to zindagi, karo to asan, nibhao to mushkil, bikhare to sara zamana, simte to sirf TUM !
F - Faithful R - Relation I - in the E - earth that N - never D - dies Am I correct friend?
Evn if ur SMS is nt cumin,I think ur Sndin bt its UndelivrdEvn if ur nt cAllin I think ur Tryin bt my ntwrk is BUSYBcz trust is ImportAnt in FrndSh
some thing can not be described... some moments can not be shared... some feelings can not be explained... some words can not be described... but... nothing can be hidden from a true friend
Friends & Friendships.. its a package of feelingsNobody can make it Nobody can break it Nobody can explain it only we canFEEL it...
If i am in hell and u r in heaven. I always look up & be proud of u but if iam in heaven and u r in hell, i beg to god send me down coz heaven wont be heaven with u .
A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.
A frnd scolds like dad,cares like mom,teases like sis,irritates like bro,luvs like sweetheart. FRNSHIP The blend of all relations.
Friendship Never Speaks Volumes.. it Never Demands Proof.. it Never has a Happy Ending too.. Simply B'coz it Never Ends when Friends r true!
Hold 10 Roses in Ur Hands & Stand Opposite to the Mirror, U'll see 11 Roses & among them, the most Beautiful Rose in the World is U my dear friend....
R U Bcuming Pessimist?Losing HOPES?Feeling Depresed?Dont Worry Theres FRND Who Can HELP U.
Lovely roses and Lovely you.. and lovely are the things you do.. BUT the loveliest is the FRIENDSHIP of the two.. one is ME and 2nd is YOU.