Lips does not

Lips does not
Lips does not join when we say LOVE; Its 'sign of distance' But when we say Friendship, Lips joins. Its 'sign of Togethernes'.......FOREVER.

Jan, 13 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     866 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Friendship is like standing on wet cement, the logner u stay the harder it is to leave & u can never go without leaving print behind…
A TRUE frnd is 1 who sees d 1st tear in ur eyes, catche d 2nd 1, stops d 3rd. If 4th 1 comes,thn, slaps u & says... OYE NOTANKI BAND KAR...
To be a friendless is a pity, to be a friend it is a joy.
Deep valleys, covered rocks, 3 little words, Forget Me Not.
Wen d heart is brokn n tide is low,wen its hard 2 find a place 2 go,a word wit a frnd wil set u free.Those words can b urs n frnd can b ME..
Friendship is like rose, looking at it easy but reaching at it is full of obstacles.
Stars are unapproachable...Sun is very hot... Moon is 2 far...So God gave me a friend like u so that I can say 'I've my own little Universe
Thought 4 d day: never ignore somebody who cares 4 u coz sumday u may find that u hav lost a diamond n u were busy collecting stones. Have a great day..
Whenever u want to know how rich u r, juz drop a tear from ur eyes n look around… The number of hands that reach out to wipe your tears will tell u how rich you are!
Dear Customer, We would like to inform you that your true friend Mr/Mrs______is missing u a lot. Thank you. Sender: Helpline
If someone would ask me what a beautiful life means, I would lean my head on your shoulder n hold u close to me n answer w/ a smile: “Like this!
To share what is difficult. To heal what is hurting, To think what is not possible, To understand without even talking. Is the miracle called Friendship.