I’ll always be beside you until the very end, wiping all your tears away, being your best friend. i’ll smile when you smile and feel all the pain you do. and if you cry a single tear, i promise i’ll cry too.
FRIENDSHIP isn’t how U forGet but how U forGive, Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand, Not what U see but how U feel, and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!!
I prayed for a red bike, God gave me blue. I lost my old cap, He gave me new. I asked for a friend who will always be true. I prayed and prayed, till came you.
A friend is like a book that has to be read to appreciate its beauty. As such, you’re one of the finest books ever written. How I wish you could be reprinted
This message to you, I just had to send. As you are someone who"s always so happy to lend, so caring, sharing, loving, such a wonderful friend. I hope that our friendship, will never ever end!"