Life is pretty

Life is pretty
Life is pretty much unpredictable. I may not live long enough but I won’t miss out letting you know that life is worth living with someone like you around.

Jan, 13 2012     155 chars (1 sms)     773 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

The proper office of a friend is to side with you when you are in the wrong. nearly anybody will side with you when you are in the right.
When things turn out bad and your strength is no longer enough to carry them. You must never give up, cause when your strength ends, my worth os your friend begins.
If 2morrw we miss each other, U'll get thousands of frnds like me, but i won't get one like u bcoz in sky, stars are so many but Moon is only one.
1 tree can start a forest, one smile can start a friendship. 1 touch can show u care, one friend can make life worth living 4.
Friendship is a lil more truth & a lil less lie,A lil more WE & a lil less I, A lil more LAUGh & a lil more cry. Friendship is simply U & I. 3 Cheers to our Friendship
Painting is a feeling never spoil it. FACE is a book try to read it. FRIENDSHIP is like a mirror don't break it.
The one who takes your hand but touches your heart is a true Friend
Life is a camera, keep on smiling, till life ends. Life is an Ice-cream, enjoy it,before it melts.
FriendshipIs A Gift,That Is Fair In All Thingz.It Roots From One's Heart&Involves MemoriesThat Stay NotFor A WhileButFor A Lifetime.
On the shore of life, friends are like waves… They come and go but they touch in such a way that a feeling of closness always remains there…
No sweet thought to forward, no cute graphics to send, just a..caring heart saying.... Take Care always my dear friend
"Longest" is mother love, "Shortest" is Others love, "Sweets" is lovers love. But....."Strongest" is a friend's Love