it takes HALF

it takes HALF
it takes HALF our LIVES toFIND trueFRD, and HALF of it KEEPING them. ive already SPENT half my LIFE FindinG you, I wish to SPEND other HALF KeepinG YOU

Jan, 13 2012     151 chars (1 sms)     855 views       Friendship

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one who hold ur hand every time whenu need support is surely a good friend But best frnd is one who hold ur handmore tightly when u say leave me alone
FRIENDSHIP is the rainbow between 2 hearts sharing 7 feelings of love,truth,happiness,sadness,help,secrets & most importent thing RESPECT.. FRIENDSHIP is the rainbow between 2 hearts sharing 7 feelings of love,truth,happiness,sadness,help,secrets & most importent thing RESPECT.. "Few Relations in Earth Never Die." Want 2 know what is it ? Read again.. (F)few (R)relations (I)in (E)earth (N)never (D)die
Face leaves appearance, Flower leaves fragrance, but, friendship leaves, rememberance.
Friendship sometimes stops in the middle to ask what it has gained and what it has lost,then it realises that it has gained life's joys and lost life's sorrows
So many of us either fear tmr or regret yesterday. But I won't fear tmr, if I get 2 b ur fren 4ever, and I don't regret yesterday, coz 1 yesterday, I met u.
"Life without a friend is death without a witnes" Save a space for me in your heart, not in your mind. The mind forget easily....
DuRiNg OuR FrIeNdShIp, ThErE wIlL B TiMeS U wOn't SeE Me BeSiDe U, DuN ThInK I LeFt U BeHiNd, I JuSt ChOsE To WaLk BeHiNd U So I CaN CaTcH U WhEn U Fall...
LIFE Means L: Love I: Incidents F: Friends E: Emotions If 'F' miss in life Then LIFE Becomes "LIE" So Don't 4get "Friends"
HAPPY moments "don't forget me;" Difficult moments "trust me;" Quiet moments "call me;" Painful moments "tell me;" Free moments "MSG Me.
Friend Is An Evergreen Relation Which Never ThinksY We r Friends,But Wen 2 Friends Miss Each Other Their Heart Feels Something Is Missing
Time is 2 slow 4 those who wait,2 swift 4 those who fear,2 long 4 those who grieve,2 short 4those rejoice but 4those who hav true friend like u time is eternity
Frndshp is a soft feelngs of heart,Bt its very hard 2 feel & when it feels,its to hard 2 drop BECOZ TRUE frndshp HAPPENS ONCE in Life.