Weathers are few

Weathers are few
Weathers are few but spring is good, Animals are many but butterfly is lovely, Flowers are too many but rose is beautiful, Foods are thousands but honey is sweet an Friends are much but u r the best!

Jan, 13 2012     199 chars (2 sms)     803 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

If you are in trouble, If you need a hand, Just call my number, because I'm your friend!
A smile makes us look younger… while prayers make us feel stronger… and friends…? They make us enjoy life forever.
East or West, friends like u are very best.
How 2 grow frndshp? Pick a gud heart .plant in a pot of trust,water with gud thoughts.Add sum emotions & remove d misunderstanding & nourish.RESULT FRIEND 4EVEr
Met u, became friends, had fun, freaked out, shared secrets, fought wid u,over u,for u, cried 4 u,wid u, teased u, hurt u, missed u, n here m stil thinking of u. Long journey huh? Will never let it end, right? Just wanted you to know that Dear friend, you are valued
“The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love”
Every little smile can touch somebody"s Heart. May u find 100"s of reason 2 smile & may u be the reason 4 someone else 2 smile always!""
Frndshp s lik investment it gives security, hapines, trust,love & care!Thanx 4 depositing all dis 2 me without even asking 4 any document
If 2morrw we miss each other, U'll get thousands of frnds like me, but i won't get one like u bcoz in sky, stars are so many but Moon is only one.
I’m Happy, U know Why ? Because I’m Lucky, U know Why ? Because GOD Love me, U know How ? He sent the best friend to me u know Who ? DEFINITELY U…!
Eyes: To look at you; Hands: To pray for you; Mind: To care for u; Heart: To love you and Legs: To kick u if u forget me.
My frndship is like sugercane u crush it twist it squeez it beat it to plup all that you’ll get is sweetness.