Santa 2 Bill Gates

Santa 2 Bill Gates
Santa 2 Bill Gates:Sir,How is it tht ur name is Gates bt u r selling WINDOWS

Jan, 17 2012     76 chars (1 sms)     799 views       Jokes > Santa Banta

more Santa Banta SMS Messages

SANTA: Wat is d different between POETRY and ESSAY?BANTA: Any word said by girlfriend is poetry..!Anything said by wife is essay
Jasmeet : "Your honor, I want to divorce my husband Santa." Judge : "But why ?" Jasmeet : "Because he is not faithful to me." Judge : "How do you know ?" Jasmeet : "My lord, not a single child resembles him."
Teacher: Now, children, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him, what virtue would I be showing? santa: Brotherly love.
Banta Singh was in court charged with parking his car in a restricted area. The judge asked him if he had anything to say in his defence. "They should not put up such misleading notices,"said Banta Singh." It said , "FINE FOR PARKING HERE."
Once santa was riding his cycle suddenly he slips and fells onto the ground. A young man who was passing nearby asks the sardar "oye paaji why did u slip." santa replies "no puttar that was only a joke."
Magistrate: How dare u stole that diamond ring frm the jewellers shop.Santa: It was written in Bold letter "DON'T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY.."
Petrol ke rate badhne par Santa bola : "meinu koi farak nahin pada, pehle bhi 100 ka bharwata tha ab bhi 100 ka bharwata hoon"....
Sardar givs dictation test 4 students,last bench stdnt say: we r not able to hear sir, sardaok i'll write on the board.,..
Santa, where's your homework?" the teacher said sternly to the little boy while holding out her hand. "My dog ate it," was his solemn response. "Santa, I've been a teacher for eighteen years. Do you really expect me to believe that?" "It's true, Miss, I swear," insisted the boy. "I had to force him, but he ate it!"
Santa : 'Have you ever heard of the Suez Canal?' Banta : 'Yes, I have' Santa : 'Well, my father dug it.' Banta : 'That's nothing, have you ever heard of Dead sea?' Santa : 'Yes, I have.' Banta : 'Well, my father killed it.'
santa got himself a puzzle game. It took him 10 hard months to finish it. He was so proud of himself because at the side of the box it was written: "2-3 yrs"
The Teacher asked all the students in a class to write an essay on a cricket match. All were busy writing except Banta. He wrote "DUE TO RAIN, NO MATCH!"