My lovely message

My lovely message
My lovely messages are not for time pass.They silently say thatI'm thinking of youright now and alsoMaking you tothink of Me for a moment..Good morning

Jan, 17 2012     151 chars (1 sms)     956 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

People don’t change when U tell them better option They change only when they realise therz NO other option..GD MRNG
What A beautiful saying:="Words are under ur control until u speak them, but u come under their control once u have spoken them!".Gud mng.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all mrng
God givs evry bird its food,bt he doesnt throw it 2 its nest."DefeAt is nt wen u fAl down,its wen u refuse 2 get up"Gud MRNG
"Instead of thinking about what you're missing,Try to think aboutwhat you have that everyone else is missing.."Life will be happy…GM
Never b sad if someone dsnt recognize ur worth. its their loss n ur gain coz people who dont appreciate ur true worth donot deserve to know u.
Hot tea with my COLD sms, Cold shower with my WARM sms, Spicy breakfast with my SWEET sms, & lovely morning with my GUD MORNING sms.
New day, new blessings. dont let yesterdays failures ruin d beauty of 2day. Blessings of God r new evry AM. 2day has its own promise of luv, 4givness, joy & success.
In d buk called life,d page yesterdy is ovr,d page future is blank &page 2dy is being written.So write d best u can,coz on dis buk ur eraser jst won't wrk!gd mrng
Never take some1 for granted,Hold every person close to Yr Heart B'cs U might wake up 1 day & realise that U've lost a diamond While U were busy Collecting StonE.GM
With petals of Roses,Palm full of Holly water,Light of Full Sun,Fragrance of Flower and Grass with dew.I wish u a very special Good Morning....
Kamyabi tumhare kadam chume, khushian na kabhi tumse rooth paaye tumhare jivan mein ugta suraj har roz sukh ki kirnein failaye. good morning.Have a nice day.