Everyday is specialif

Everyday is specialif
Everyday is specialif u THINK so,Evry moment is memorableif you FEEL so,Every1 is unique if u SEE so,Life is wonderful if u live so.GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     811 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Hot tea with my COLD sms, Cold shower with my WARM sms, Spicy breakfast with my SWEET sms, And lovely morning with my GOOD MORNING sms.....Have a nice day!
Jindagi itni mushkil bi mat samjo ki usme jina hi mushkil ho jaye. HAPPY EVER CRY NEVER.GD MRNG
"I am" is d shortest sentence in d English language.Cld it be that "I Do" is d longest sentence-The best way out of a difficulty is through it.GM
"The one who likes you most, sometimes hurts you, but again he is the only one who feels ur pain."GM
Fact of life "whom u don’t need today, u will need them tomarrow whom u neglect today,will never again accept u tomarrow.GD MRNG
Gold rate keeps on increasing day by day I'am so so worried about u..Please be careful,Sum 1 kidnap Ubcoz u r a person with a Pure GOLDEN HEART Good morning
Har nayi subah ka naya nazara,Thandihawa le ayi paigam hamara..Jago utho taiyar ho jao, khushiyon sebhara rahe Aaj ka din Tumhara.Good Morning!
Wake up and open those teeny weeny eyes,stretch those inzy winzy bones,give that jolly winning smile & see its a beautiful day..Good Morning
Alphabet 'O' Stands ForOpportunity;Which Is Absent In YesterdayAvailable Once In Today&Thrice in Tomorrow,SoDon't Repent for Yesterday.GM
""The Greatest Advantage Of Speaking Truth Is That U Don"t Have 2 Remember What U Said.."" If you talk lie ? You Have to Remember .GOOD MORNING"""""
Difficult to tell what Loving is like. Impossible 2 tell wat Missing is like. May u never Miss whom u Love,& may whom u Love Miss you always..G d morning.
BEAUTIFUL people reflect GOD in their lives.They THINK HIS thoughts, SPEAK HIS Words & LOVE without end.Remain a Beautiful Person ALWAYS!Hav a gr8 day