Love is post

Love is post
Love is post paid 1 month u dont pay, conection will be cutoff. But f2ship is life time prepaid u pay or not,incoming is free

Jan, 13 2012     125 chars (1 sms)     804 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

A friend gives LOVE..A gud friend gives PROTECTION..A best friend gives LIFE..But a Real friend gives HEART..LoVe YoU aLL mY FrenZ!
Each day wid sum1 new,i'do look n never find another u.. World is full of people,i know its true,yet no 1 cud ever b equal,d frnd i found in U.
U wil be a ROSE 4 all TREES U wil be a SMILE 4 all FACES U will be WATER FALLS 4 al HILLS & U wil be a BROHTER 4 al naughty&cute GIRLS
When time is fast,when moments r hard,when every1 is busy,when seconds r few,my sms comes 2 say...1 of ur frend is still rememb. U
Love is like a "missed call" it stops when u try 2 catch.But friendship is like a"sms",it comes and stays inside ur inbox untill u delete it.
It's hard at times to keep in touch, Wit those who really mean so much.. But side by side or far apart; A friend lives always inside d heart
We had our ups and downs as nearly everybody does. But problems never last for long with special friends like us.
Aik Do Teen Char Aoo Mil Ke Baithain Yar Panch Chay Saat Suno Hamari Baat Aat Noo Das Baat Hamari Bus Uff ! Itnay Baray Ho Ke Bachoo Ki Poem Parh Rahay Ho
Time is too slow 4 those who wait,too swift 4those who fear ,too long 4thosewho greive ,too short 4 those rejoice.but 4 those who ve true frnd time is eternity
There is a big difference between friendship and a rose... Roses last only a while ... but friendship is for ever
There are many sunday, There are many monday but i like only one day, that is friendship day.
Forever in my heart, u wood be cherished & in my mind ur always thought of, we may be far away but in my heart u remain 1 of the special person I gained in life. I'm blessed to hv a Friend Like u.