New Morning +

New Morning +
New Morning + New Aim + New Achievement + UR Dedication + Committment = SUCCESS Just TRY it & Win the Day! Good Morning & Have a Great day!

Jan, 16 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     821 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Best Msg:Worlds most beautiful things happen 2 worlds most beautiful ppl but perhaps beuty doesn't lie on face, It lies in realm of hearts!GM
Go to window look outside,someone is waiting for ur smile.Found the sun i have sent the sun to say u gd mrng
" Desire, determine and decide those things that will change the temperature of your life." Good Morning
kya hai zindgi?Dekho to khwab he zindgi,Padho to kitab he zindgi,Suno to gyan he zindgi,Par hum ye kehte he"haste raho"To AASAN he zindgi.GD MRNG
Heartbreaks will last as long as you want and Cut as deep as you allow them to go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from mrng
Always welcome a new day with a smile on you lips, love in your heart and good thoughts in your mind and you’ll have a wonderful day ahead…..Good Morning !!!!
Wen v pray v don't c God.Bt v know He listens.Wen I Snd sms to U, I don't c U.But I know, U'll think of me wid a Sweet Smile..Gud Mg, Have A Nice Day
It's not how well you jump over the obstacles nor how fast you get to the top but how often you stop to appreciate the simple things in life which makes life worthwhile. Good day!
Wellwisher is not who meets U everyday and talk with U everyday. Wellwisher is one who may or maynot meet U but always think of U & Ur mrng
Sometimes A hurt is needed 2mAke u GrowFAilure is needed 2mAke u GrowLoss is needed 2mAke u GainBcoz Some lessons r best wen leArnt thru pAin..GM
"Delay" is the enemy of efficiency,"Waiting" is the enemy of utilisation.So,Don't delay anything&Don't wait for mrng
U'll never get a 2nd chance to mke a 1st impression..But remember the 1st impression is not the last CHANCE...Gud mrng.Have a nice day.