DEW on ROSES are

DEW on ROSES are
DEW on ROSES are the TEARS of NIGHT to give way to the MORNING LIGHT.I keep them in my PALM,close my EYES & wish you a very special "GOOD MORNING".

Jan, 16 2012     147 chars (1 sms)     919 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Our prayers should be for blessing in general, for God knows best what is good for us. Gd mrng
Life is like view from your window. If you dont like it, you cant change it. But you can change the way you look at it. Then see how beautiful life is.GM.--
arrow can be sent only by pulling it back. So when life is dragging u back with difficulties it means that it going to launch u into victory
"Life is a Book of Mysteries.,U'll Never kNow which Page wil briNg a Good Twist.,So,keep On ReadiNg.,Bcoz HappiNess comes wheN it's Most Unexpected".GM
Never search happiness in others, This will make you to feel alone. But search it in yours self, You will feel happy even you are left mrng
Relationship doesnt get closer by meetngs, but it is sweetend by THOUGHTS. I care 4 u in my own STRANGE ways. Maybe u'll never know, Perhaps I'll nvr show.
Meethi neend Meethe khwaab,Ho Gaya savera ab to jago janab.Chand bhi chup gaya fir rat K intezar Me,1 naya din shuru karo apni manzil ki talash Me.
We spend our days waiting for the ideal path to appear in front of us but what we forget is that, paths are made by walking, not by mrng
No one in this world is rich enough to buy his own PAST So enjoy each moment before it gets beyond your reach! GOOD MORNING
D word 'HELLO' means, H-How are u? E-Everything alright? L-Like 2 hear from u. L-Love 2 c u soon. O-Obviously,I miss you!!... So mrng
Faith consists in believing when it is beyond d power of reason to believe.It is not enough that a thing be possible for it to be believed.GM
U dont know how high U can fly untill U give a real good try. Just do your best in each try. May b the sky will have to shift little higher.Hv a fantastic day.