I just love when morning gets here I just love when morning gets here, cuz i can send a Great Big Good Morning sms to my bestest friend.what a lovely way to start my day
Your worst days r never so bad, that u're beyond the reach of God's grace. And ur best days r never so good, that u're beyond the need of God's grace.gd mrng
I Know Still Ur Lazy Hands r Tryng 2 Pick d Cell & Ur Cute Half Opend Eyes r Trying 2 Read the Msg My Cute frnd Lazy dear frnd,Its Time2 WakeUp!GUD MORNING
Thought of the day:"Never hold yourself solely responsible for any misfortune in life.Because no single rain drop is ever alone responsible for any flood.GD MRNG
The Price of Greatness is Responsibility, There r no limits on what we can achieve in our Life; except the Limit We accept in our minds! Have a good day