A Blind Person

A Blind Person
A Blind Person asked Swami Vivekanand: "Can there be any thing worse than losing you Sight ?" He replied: "Yes, losing your VISION ......gd mrng

Jan, 16 2012     144 chars (1 sms)     802 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Extending One Hand to Help Somebody has More Value,Rather than Joining Two hands for Prayer.GD MRNG
The Two of the most important things when u wakeup today 1.Pray,so that u may Live 2.Take a bath so that others may Live too! Gud mrng
I want to send to some thing special to make you smile but post man said I must get out of the post box.gd mrng
I'l wak wit u in evry step of Life, bt jst promse me u'll hide ur wings evrytim v walk together coz i dn't wnt the world 2knw tht my Frnd is an angel. gud mrng
The inevitable truth of life is..."everyone is going 2 hurt u sooner or later... U just hav 2 realise who is worth the pain" gudmrng
A NeW dAy beginning Is pErHaPeS d BeSt TiMe 2 SaY It'S s0 nIcE 2 kNoW u & hErE's WiShInG oUr FrIeNdShIp CoNtInUeS 2 gRoW In eVeRy DaYz To CoMe. GuD MRNG
Everyone is good to us untill , we expect nothing from them..... And we are too good for them untill we fulfill their expectations.... Gud morning
How hard is the logic of human mind?"It seeks compromise when we are wrong & it speaks judgment when others are wrong.."Good Morning…
Ek khubsurati, ek tazgi, ek sapna, ek sacchai, ek kalpana, ek ahsas, ek aastha, ek vishvas, Yahi hai ek acche din ki shuruvat
Bells giv us tinkles, Fountains giv sprinkles, Cryin givs wrinkles, gud frnz mak us laugh coz Laughing givs Dimples so kp laughing.Gd mrng
Dreams are god's way of showing what we can achieve. And he wakes us up every morning to give us a chance to achieve it. So do your best!
You can never change the past nor control the future. But you can change the mood of the day by touching someone's private organ. The heart. Now you're smiling! Good morning!