Let the most butiful dream cum 2u 2nite, Let the sweetest person cum in ur dream 2nite, but don’t make it a habit bcoz I wont b able 2 cum daily.. Gud MRNG
Our friendship is like a flying kite.U r the color paper of kite.People see & appricate u.I am the thread, invisible to people but always with U.Gud morning
If an egg breaks due 2 outside force! inside life ends!but... if it breaks from inside!life begins! great things always begin from inside! so try to make your inside good!good morning
little faith says "U can do it"Big faith says"U will do it"But Great faith says"consider It done!"Nothing is imposible wen U belive in urself Good Morning
Being happy doesn't mean everything's ok. It only means you've decided to see things beyond life's imperfections! Whatever happens, stay happy and enjoy what life brings!