Every Day may

Every Day may
Every Day may not Be Good, But there's Always Something Good In Every Day.

Jan, 16 2012     74 chars (1 sms)     797 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Dont walk as lf you rule the world...but walk as lf you dont care who rules the world...!! thats called "attitude" Enjoy life...gd mrng
If you wake up, it’s a chance to achieve,If you go back to sleep it’s a lost chance.
Effort is important. But knowing where to make an effort in ur life makes all d difference.gd mrng
SOUL BACK FROM DREAMLAND Your soul came back from dreamland reunited with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself slowly open ur eyes realise its a brand new day. Good Morning.
You can never change the past nor control the future. But you can change the mood of the day by touching someone's private organ. The heart. Now you're smiling! Good morning!
D word 'HELLO' means, H-How are u? E-Everything alright? L-Like 2 hear from u. L-Love 2 c u soon. O-Obviously,I miss you!!... So HELLO.gd mrng
The Worst pAin in Life is Wen some one u know Turns into Some one u knew."ReAd CareFully,Its nice & True.!GOOD DAY
May I come into ur world?I bring no flowers, no gifts but wishes to keep u fresh, prayers to keep u healthy & love to keep u smiling..GM
Pearl of thought: Relationship is not a business where u give wen u get,it is a beautiful feel for some1 where u love to give even if u don’t get.GM
There is a great difference between worry and concern.A worried person sees a problem, anda concerned person solves a problem....,*Good Morning*
Anger is a "wide ball" leave it.Fear is "no ball" let it.Smile is a "sixer"-hit it.Friendship is a "wicket" get it.Failure is a "bouncer"-Forget it.Problem is a "yorker" face it.Success is "century" make it.Luck is a "free hit" use it.Than u can rock the IPL of the life.gm
IF u love any one truely but still u dint Get his love never take to mind,BE happy that atleast,once in a life time uFell in true love.gud mrng