May victory be

May victory be
May victory be a habit,inspiration a state of mind and wealth a consequence. Let happiness be a constant companion ! Good Morning.Good day.

Jan, 16 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     810 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Alphabet 'O' Stands ForOpportunity;Which Is Absent In YesterdayAvailable Once In Today&Thrice in Tomorrow,SoDon't Repent for Yesterday.GM
Troubles r like washing machine; They twist, turn & knock us around, but in the end we come out brighter than before Have a nice day!
It's paradoxical, that the person on whom u have the most control, is yourself.Yet the hardest person to transform is yourself.Good Morning.
Don’t see others doing better than you…! beat your own records everyday…! bcoz, success is a fight between you & yourself not with others…good morning
A famous saying by Buddha on AngeR U will not be punished for ur anger. U will b punished by ur anger. So stay cool all times.GM
If you MisS an OpportuniTy, do not Fillup ur eYes with TeaRs! KeeP yoUr visioN CLEAR, so thAt you will Not misS the neXt onE...!! G.m.
Success without honor is an unreasoned dish,it will satisfy your hunger,but it wont taste good.good morning
gud mrng! have a nice sunday! have wonderful hours! have sweet sweet minutes! have sugarfree seconds! u know, y sugarfree? coz u'r already so sweet
Being silent is a very powerful tool 4 making others feel for their mistakes.It speaks many languages''.GD MRNG
Don't place UR mistakes on UR head,its weight may crush U.Instead place them under UR feet & use it as a platform to view UR horizon. GM
"SEVEN"is great number.Bcoz seven colrs make "RAINBOW"Seven swara makes"MUSIC"Seven day make a "WEEK"&seven spellings make"FRIENDS".GD MRNG
"A person who laughs more and make others laugh would be having a thunder storm sadness beneath his heart"-Gud Morning