Morning is not only sunrise but a beautiful miracle of god dat defeats the darkness n spreads light,may this b one more beautiful day for U..HAVE A NICE DAY....
Ppl often feel smthin bt xpress smthin else Dey mean smthin but say smthin else So learn d art of sayin nothin in such a way dat it leavs nothin unsaid…Gudmrg
Life is full of beautiful things : soft sunset,pointed Rainbow, dedicate blossoms,love & laughter ,Quiet moments & fantastic people like U & mrng
Faith makes everything possible, Hope makes everything work, Love makes everything beautiful. May u have all the three as u begin each day. Gud Morning.
Whatever happens 2 ur day just relax & manage to make a smile. Life is not a problem 2 b solved but a gift 2 b enjoyed. Make Everyday ur best day! Gud Morning!
I may b gone 4 a min 4 an hr 4 a day 4 a mth but i'l alwys b ther 4 u. i may nt b able 2 alwys say gd evning gd night but i promise i'l nvr say GUD BYE.