The world's happiest

The world's happiest
The world's happiest person never gets all the best things around him. He just makes"The best of what he gets" Gud Mrmg...

Jan, 16 2012     122 chars (1 sms)     1879 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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A NeW dAy beginning Is pErHaPeS d BeSt TiMe 2 SaY It'S s0 nIcE 2 kNoW u & hErE's WiShInG oUr FrIeNdShIp CoNtInUeS 2 gRoW In eVeRy DaYz To CoMe. GuD MRNG
A child on a farm sees a plain flying by overhead n dreams ofa far away place. A traveler on d plain sees d farm n dreamsof that. That"s life. We never realized d value of the thingunless it moves away frm us. Enjoy d moment u hav with u.Gud Day
Rowing hard doesn't help if the boat is heading the wrong direction. Entrust your life to God and let Him steer it according to His plan and mrng
Shakespeare said "One beautiful Heart is equal 2 thousand beautiful faces. So better choose gud Heart rather than beautiful faces."gd mrng
Be happy when God answers your prayer. But be more thankful when God makes you the answer to someone else's. gd mrng
"if People talk behind ur back wat does dat mean ?? Simple it means YOU ARE TWO STEPS AHEAD of them"just keep movin!! Gd mrng
We live in our dreams, but dreams may die, don’t get shattered, never ever cry, the world is big & has lots to give, pick up a new dream, that's the way to live.GM
What V have 4 ourslves dies with us but what V hav done 4 othrs remains 4ever V make a LIVING by what V get but V make a LIFE by what V Give.GD MRNG
I never knew wat wonder a frnd can do..S,surely they can change things around u into smiles,sunshines n happiness.JUST T WAY U KEEP ON DOING.GM
Some promises are always unbroken,some memories are always unwritten,feel the magic of TRUE RELATION and you'll know that some words are always unspoken... Good morning.
Alwys b d reson of sum1nc hpins,nvr b jst a prt of it.B a prt of sum1nc sadns nvr b d reson 4 it..GM