Happy I DAY"

Happy I DAY"
Happy I DAY"Happiness Always Looks Small When We Hold It In Our Hands.But When We Learn To Share It,We Realize How Big And Precious ItIs.

Jan, 16 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     803 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Each time I text you good am, it's not just a morning greeting. There's a silent message saying I thought of you as I woke up this morning! Good am!
What V have 4 ourslves dies with us but what V hav done 4 othrs remains 4ever V make a LIVING by what V get but V make a LIFE by what V Give.GD MRNG
"Some Flowers Grow Best in the Sun;Others do well in Shadow.God Knows What is Best For us & Puts us Where We Grow Best..GM
God is 2 wise that he created friends without "Price Tags" B'coz if he did, i can't afford such expensive friend like "U" Take care. & hav gud dy
Every one wants happiness, no one needs pain, but its not possible to get a rainbow without a little rain! So face the life with confidence..Hav a g8 day!
When you fight, fight like a lion. If you get hurt, fight like a wounded lion. The only losers in this world are the quitters." G M
DEW on ROSES are the TEARS of NIGHT to give way to the MORNING LIGHT.I keep them in my PALM,close my EYES & wish you a very special "GOOD MORNING".
Thought of the day:"Never hold yourself solely responsible for any misfortune in life.Because no single rain drop is ever alone responsible for any flood.GD MRNG
"HOPE is the Ability to Hear the Music of the FUTURE.And FAITH is Having the Courage to Dance to it TODAY!."..
My lovely messages are not for time pass.They silently say thatI'm thinking of youright now and alsoMaking you tothink of Me for a moment..Good morning
Being silent is a very powerful tool 4 making others feel for their mistakes.It speaks many languages''.GD MRNG
Thought- Doing nothing gets pretty tiresome because you cant stop and rest !!. ..... Good morning