A Relationship doesn’t

A Relationship doesn’t
A Relationship doesn’t shine by just shaking hands in best of times…But…..it blossoms by holding hands firmly in critical situations.GM

Jan, 16 2012     135 chars (1 sms)     721 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

LOOK…the moon is calling you, SEE…the stars are shining for you, HEAR… my heart saying good night.
Life is not about finding the right person,but creating the right relationship.Its not how much we care in the beginning,but how much we care till d end. Gm
Life is like a FLUTE..It may have several Holes & Emptiness,But if we work on it,The same Holes & Emptiness produce Magical Melodies.GD MRNG
Wining horse dsnt know why it runs in race it runs bcoz of hits & pains life is a race God is ur rider So if u r in pain then think,GOD wants u to win d race!gd mrng
The sun has once brought brightness to earth! lazy bone. it's time 2 wake up gd morning...
No1 will manufacture a lock without a key.Similarly,God won't give problems without Solutions..So never Worry. Efforts always Succeed!gm mrng
The Two of the most important things when u wakeup today 1.Pray,so that u may Live 2.Take a bath so that others may Live too! Gud mrng
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them..!Gud Morning
All Power isWithin uU can doAnything &everythingBeliev in that.You Are the Creator ofYour Own Destiny.-"Swami Vivekanand".Gud morning.
Sometime words are not comfortable to express our feelings. But our true lovable ones understand our feelings without any words.....!!!Gudmorning
Who help U, Don’t forget them! -Who like U, Don’t hate them! -Who has hope on U, Don’t leave them! -Who trust U, Don’t cheat them!GM
Both Anger & Happiness r complimentary..Make ur anger so expensivethat no1 can afford it & make ur happiness so cheap that people get it free frm u!GM